Moving Tips & Advice from Atlanta's Trusted Movers

Moving Tips & Advice from Atlanta's Trusted Movers

Tips for Moving with Pets

Published July 26th, 2024 by Browns Pro Movers

Moving to a new home can be a stressful experience, not just for you but also for your furry companions. Pets thrive on routine and familiarity, so a move can be particularly unsettling for them. To ensure a smooth transition for both you and your pets, it's essential to plan ahead and take the necessary steps to minimize their stress and keep them safe during the moving process.

Update Identification and Microchip Information

Before the move, ensure that your pet's identification tags and microchip information are up-to-date with your new address and contact details. This will increase the chances of your pet being returned to you if they accidentally get lost during the move.

  • Make sure to update your pet's microchip registration with the new address and contact information.
  • Consider getting a temporary ID tag with your new address and phone number to use during the move.
  • Take recent photos of your pet in case you need to create "lost pet" flyers.

Prepare a Pet-Friendly Moving Kit

Pack a separate kit for your pet, including their food, treats, toys, bedding, and any necessary medications. Having these familiar items on hand can help provide comfort and familiarity during the transition.

  • Include enough food and supplies for at least a week to ensure you have enough during the transition.
  • Pack a separate bag with your pet's grooming supplies, such as brushes, shampoo, and nail clippers.
  • Don't forget to pack any necessary pet documents, such as vaccination records and health certificates.

Secure a Safe Space for Moving Day

On moving day, designate a quiet room or area in your current home where your pet can stay safely away from the commotion. This will help reduce their stress levels and prevent them from accidentally escaping during the chaos of the move.

  • Make sure the designated space has access to water, food, and a litter box (for cats).
  • Consider using a pet gate or crate to keep your pet contained in the safe space.
  • Assign a family member or friend to be responsible for monitoring your pet during the move.

Introduce Your Pet to the New Home

Once you've arrived at your new home, take your pet on a tour of the space before bringing in their belongings. Allow them to explore and become familiar with the new smells and surroundings at their own pace.

  • Set up your pet's familiar bedding, toys, and other belongings in a designated area to help them feel more at home.
  • Keep your pet on a leash or in a carrier during the initial exploration to prevent them from getting lost or scared.
  • Gradually introduce them to different rooms and areas of the new home over time.

Maintain Routines

Pets thrive on routine, so try to maintain their regular feeding, exercise, and playtime schedules as much as possible during the move. This will help provide a sense of normalcy and reduce stress.

  • Stick to your pet's regular mealtimes and portion sizes to avoid digestive issues.
  • Plan for regular potty breaks and exercise sessions to help burn off any excess energy or anxiety.
  • Maintain your pet's usual bedtime routine to help them settle in at night.

Be Patient and Provide Reassurance

Remember that your pet may exhibit signs of stress or anxiety during the transition, such as changes in appetite, behavior, or potty habits. Be patient and provide plenty of reassurance and affection to help them adjust to their new environment.

By following these tips, you can help make the moving process as smooth and stress-free as possible for your furry family members. If you have any concerns or need additional assistance, don't hesitate to consult with your veterinarian or a professional pet relocation service.

If you're planning a move in the Atlanta area, trust Browns Pro Movers to handle your relocation with care and consideration for your pets. Contact us today at 470-786-8687 to learn more about our moving services and receive a free, no-obligation quote.

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